Saturday, November 3, 2007

Daily Video

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-02 09:44:39
User: tuxx35
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:::: Top Videos of Day

The Killers Fansite


splendraville ::: Favorites
where precisely wsa this - what concert and when? Thanks Tuxx - great stuff, I wish you'd label it though...thanks!
07-10-17 14:39:32
ShancQ ::: Favorites
I dont have to be told to recognize they're song, I immediately knew it was Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine!!!!!! Brandon looks a lil 'wide'.. probably the camera's fault... His hair looks good!!! totally good performance... One of my favs!!!
07-10-11 04:27:48
killersmiss ::: Favorites
I miss them too. :(
07-10-03 00:24:28
Tala008 ::: Favorites
OH MY GOSH!!! i was at that concert!! he said Los Angeles right? cuz if he did...i was there!!!
07-10-02 22:46:55
PeruvianJew ::: Favorites
Lord, I miss them so much.
07-10-02 19:13:32
jptskc ::: Favorites
i freakin' love them!!!! i love HOT FUSS i have four hot fuss albums lol the sirens and the helicopter is the police commin' at the begginin' of the song
07-10-02 13:46:14
orangeblossom189 ::: Favorites
Oh my god - how good was that! Thanx so much. xx
07-10-02 12:30:00
rebeldiamondgirl ::: Favorites
great video - thanks!
07-10-02 12:16:32
hopsajda ::: Favorites
oh great.thx
07-10-02 11:02:39

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